Q. Which type of training would be best for me: Group Training or Private Training?
A. You can find the differences between the types of training by viewing the Training Options page, or give us a call 610-750-6868 to discuss.
Q. If my dog gets spayed or neutered during the session what should I do?
A. Follow your vet’s recommendation on this. You may attend class without your dog and apply what you see in class when you get home. Please consider this type of procedure when you select a class schedule. Visit the Training Guidelines page for more details.
Q. If I must miss a class can I make it up?
A. Because of our policy of not allowing more than our maximum limit of dogs in any given class, we do not allow makeups. This is for the safety of all of our students.
Q. Is there an age limit for my dog?
A. Age for puppy class ranges from 8 weeks to 4 months. All other classes include dogs 4 months or older unless otherwise determined by the instructor. Please keep in mind some older dogs do not tolerate the stress of a group class very well. Please visit the Training Options page for more details.
Q. May the whole family attend class?
A. We encourage our clients to consider the need to pay close attention to the instructors and their dog during class. In the past, many dogs have been accompanied by both dog parents or a parent and child. Well-behaved children are certainly welcome, but we request that you bring only one extra person with you to any given class, as space is limited. Visit the Training Guidelines page for more details.
Q. May I bring two dogs at the same time?
A. Each dog must have an exclusive handler. Each dog will require an individual registration fee. Each dog will be considered a unique individual in class.
Q. Is there any specific breed that you do not allow in class?
A. Each dog handler will be required to fill out and return a dog profile document that explains the history of the dog. We do not discriminate against any particular breed. If we feel we need to meet the dog prior to class we will set up a time at your convenience to evaluate your dog and discuss the dog’s history.
Q. If my dog is not friendly may I attend class?
A. Please use the contact form on this page. Each case needs individual attention to properly evaluate the dog’s needs. Visit the Training Options page for more details.
Q. Can I get a refund for all or a portion of my class fee once I have paid?
A. All training class and consultation sales are final and non-refundable so please consider your schedule carefully when registering for group training or private training.
Q. Is there any prerequisite for attending your advanced training classes?
A. We prefer that you have attended one of our classes prior to joining an advanced training class. Our training methods are new to some people and their dogs. We would be glad to make a pre-class evaluation of the dog and its past training in an effort to give us and the dog handler the level of confidence needed to successfully navigate the demands of advanced training. Please give us a call 610-750-6868 to discuss.
Q. How many dogs do you allow in a group class?
A. We limit Puppy class to 7 dogs. Other group classes allow no more than 6 dogs. Some specialty classes have smaller class sizes.
Q. What type of vaccination records are required to attend your classes?
A. For group classes we ask that you provide proof of the following: Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parvo, Parainfluenza (DHLPP)*-or- Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo, Parainfluenza (DHPP). Also, Rabies and Bordetella.
A vaccine titer from your veterinarian stating your dog has adequate protection from the above listed diseases is also acceptable. (Please note, Bordetella and Rabies do not qualify for titer testing.) Some puppies will not be old enough for all required vaccinations before the start of class; please adhere to your veterinarian’s vaccination schedule and provide proof accordingly.
If any of the above vaccines cannot be given to your dog, a statement from your veterinary will be required.
Q. Do I have to commit to a particular class or is it OK to attend the same level class on different days?
A. We require you to attend class during the same time slot each week. This way we ensure that our space limitations will not be exceeded by too many dogs. If you miss a class you will need to discuss with your trainer the best way for you to acquire the information missed that week. Visit the Training Guidelines page for more details.
Q. Do you accept credit cards?
A. Yes. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card. Awesome Dawgs does not accept online payments.
Q. May I bring my vet records, registration information and payment with me the first night of class?
A. No. In an effort to maximize our time training you and your dog, we require all paperwork in advance. We do not ‘hold’ spaces in classes, only completed paperwork and payment will reserve your space in class.
Q. May my child handle the dog in class?
A. All primary handlers must be at least 16 years of age. Visit the Training Guidelines page for more details.
Q. How do I submit my registration paperwork for group training or private training?
A. Completed Registration paperwork can be emailed to registration@awesomedawgs.com and one of our staff will call you to complete credit card payment via phone. Paperwork and payment may also be brought to our facility during our regular store business hours.
NOTE: All Private Training requires trainer approval before submitting registration paperwork.
The following items must be on file for private training:
(revised 3/2024)
All training services provided by Awesome Dawgs MUST BE PREREGISTERED and PREPAID.
NOTE: Awesome Dawgs does not accept online payments for training classes.