Training is something we do with our dogs, not to them.

Attending an Awesome Dawgs group class provides your dog with valuable social skills. We encourage dogs to meet and greet the other people in class and to allow time for puppies to play together.

Once you register for our group classes, we encourage you to contact us at any time during the 6 week session with questions or concerns. We feel it is important for you to address dog-training issues as they occur rather than having to wait until your next class for resolve.

All training class sales are final and non-refundable. Please carefully consider your schedule when registering for a training session.


An Awesome Dawgs Puppy Class emphasizes…

  • Building your relationship with your new puppy – bonding with your puppy is critical to a life-long relationship based on trust and mutual appreciation. We teach you how to be the most interesting, important figure in your puppy’s world so that he responds to you consistently whenever you ask him to do something for you. Puppy wants to do what you want him to do, so he does it!
  • Socializing your puppy – we help you understand the importance of giving puppies positive experiences with other puppies and dogs, new people, places, situations – in short, anything and everything you can introduce to them. Puppies are afforded opportunities to explore new stimuli every week. Additional puppy play sessions are included each week during your enrollment. Your instructor will provide your play dates and times on your first day of class.
  • Cultivating a repertoire of desirable puppy behaviors – rather than instructing you to correct puppies for disruptive behaviors with harsh methods or punishment, we teach you to help your puppies learn many alternative ways of directing their energies. In doing so, we shift the concentration of the class onto what to do instead of what not to do. Training becomes a fun and rewarding experience for both ends of the leash.
  • Learning to read puppy body language – our puppies are constantly communicating through their body language (and reading ours, too!). Learning to distinguish excited, playful puppy body language from puppy signals that indicate stress, fear or pain can help you keep your puppy safe and happy.
  • Starting your puppy on a life-long path of health and well-being – puppies need adequate nutrition, exercise, mental stimulation, medical care and grooming. We help you wade through the plethora of information on dog food to help you decide which food is right for your puppy. You learn all kinds of fun activities to focus your puppy’s energy. We teach you about grooming needs and options and help you de-sensitize your puppy to the tools and handling he may experience at the vet or groomer.

Topics to be covered in Puppy Class include: housetraining; nipping and chewing; jumping up on people for greeting and petting; sit and wait to go out the door or eat dinner; paying attention no matter what is going; loose-leash walking, and more.


Your puppy is like a sponge – totally resilient, eager to learn, soaking up everything he can about life and the world around him. Now is the time to encourage new experiences, to teach him what you want him to do, to establish trust in you and confidence in himself.

Once puppies have completed Puppy Class, they move on to Level One.

$190 – 6 WEEK COURSE, includes 6-1 hour training sessions + 6 Puppy Play


Although not mandatory, the Puppy Play session, held on Sundays from 9:30 to 10:30 am, is our way of offering your new puppy every opportunity to learn about his canine buddies. 

In Awesome Dawgs Puppy Classes, you and your puppy will receive the benefit of a weekly play session in addition to your regularly scheduled class. Although not mandatory, this one-hour Puppy Play session is our way of offering your new puppy every opportunity to learn about his canine buddies. Each week, you and your puppy will be instructed by the supervising trainer about appropriate play, play styles and how to interrupt play when it gets too rough. Puppies learn how to “read” each other, and to modify their playstyle when their exuberance gets out of hand. There is no extra charge for the Puppy Play sessions while enrolled in a Puppy Class. It is part of your puppy’s weekly education.


In Level One, you will teach your dog to focus, sit, down, wait, leave it, drop it, loose-leash walking and come when called. Discussions are age-appropriate for issues concerning the adolescent and adult dog. Teaching self-control in the areas of leash-pulling, jumping on people when greeting, door dashing and counter surfing are an important component of this class. No previous training is required.

$190- 6 WEEK COURSE, includes 6-1 hour training sessions + 1 free Dawg Park Play Pass


Level Two class will teach you how to increase the proficiency of your dog’s foundation behaviors around increasingly difficult distractions. Dogs will learn to heel, stand for examination, stay and practice moving through distracting environments. One field trip to a public venue is included in this level. Level One training or instructor’s approval required.


LEVEL TWO – DOG WALKING (Tips, Tricks and Techniques)

Level Two Dog Walking offers six classes at the Awesome Dawgs facility. The majority of this class will be held outdoors on varied terrain so good outdoor gear for people is required. The goal of this class is to give you and your dog the skills needed to manage a safe and pleasant walk with your dog in a variety of outdoor settings. This class will focus on appropriate leash, collar and harness for your dog, proper leash handling skills, working on long lines and group walks with other dogs in an outdoor setting. Students are required to have successfully accomplished level one training. Your dog will need to be safe and adaptable to working in close proximity with other dogs.



Level Three takes dogs on three outings, requiring them to be extremely attentive to their handlers in public settings. Classroom activities include challenging exercises and games to build the strength of your dog’s cued behaviors in highly distracting environments. Level Two training or instructor’s approval required.



Level Four takes dogs and their people on field trips to six different public venues. This is the ultimate Awesome Dawgs challenge for dog and handler alike. Level Three training and instructor’s approval required.



You and your dog will practice: sit, stay, come when called, friendly greetings with volunteers including petting, examination and grooming, wait at the door, heel, maneuvering around people using hospital equipment, leaving food treats alone that are on the floor, dealing with distractions, separation from your dog for a few minutes, and observing children play.

The class will include at least one visit to an assisted living facility.

Level Two training or equivalent and instructor’s approval is required. Dogs must be at least one year old.

*Please note, this workshop is not required for taking therapy dog evaluations and is a training course offered by Awesome Dawgs Dog Training.




Looking for a job for your active dog’s busy nose? Do you enjoy spending time outside, bonding with you dog while enjoying nature? Try Tracking! Tracking is a game of “Hide and Seek”. It is a sport that develops your dog’s natural ability to follow a scent trail and hunt for their reward at the end of the trail. This class is held entirely outdoors, enrolled dogs and their handlers must be prepared/dressed for all types of weather and terrain. If weather is too extreme, instructor will reschedule classes as needed. No previous tracking/trailing experience required. Please call if your dog is under 1 year of age.



If you enjoyed the Tracking/Trailing One class and want to take it to the next level, Tracking/Trailing Two is the class for you. Learn to read your dog better and develop a stronger working relationship with your K9 partner. This class is held entirely outdoors, enrolled dogs and their handlers must be prepared/dressed for all types of weather and terrain. If weather is too extreme, instructor will reschedule classes as needed. Tracking/Trailing One or instructor’s approval required.



For those who want to keep on having outdoor fun with their dogs, Tracking/Trailing Advanced takes it to the next level. This next level of training involves trailing through the woods, across and along dirt or gravel roads, through farmer’s fields and even into buildings! This class is held in all types of weather and class may be held during the day or night. Enrolled dogs and their handlers must be prepared/dressed for all types of weather and terrain. If weather is too extreme, instructor will reschedule classes as needed. Tracking/Trailing Two and instructor’s approval required.



Tricks, Fun and Games is a class which incorporates foundation behaviors with learning how to perform tricks such as spin, fetch, bow, shake, close the door and roll over. We play games in every class and the winners take home prizes (or eat them in class). Level Two training or equivalent is required.


Awesome Dawgs does not accept online payments for training classes.